

Our Contemporary Venus - Sustainable Art

Dedicated to all women who have bigger dreams than the opportunities the world offers them.

Venere, scultura in lolla di riso e idroresina di Eleonora Francioni e Antonio Mastromarino, scultori a Pietrasanta

VENUS - The Elevation of the Mother Goddess

Our work Venus represents the eternal symbol of the mother goddess, a figure that embodies beauty, fertility and female strength. With her ebony skin and contemporary facial features, her face contrasts with a hairstyle that evokes times gone by. The persuasive gaze, highlighted by the scratches on the sculptural material, aspires to reveal the profound beauty of the soul that lies behind that sculpted form.

Venus is dedicated to all women who carry within themselves dreams and ambitions greater than what the world offers them. We recognize the challenges women face in pursuing their goals and their ability to overcome the limitations imposed by society. This work celebrates their strength, their determination and their courage in pursuing their personal fulfillment.

As a symbol of Venus, the mother goddess, this sculpture recalls the profound connection between women and the creative and nurturing power of life itself. It represents motherhood as a universal energy, a life force that gives rise to new ideas, new generations and a better future.

Our Venus is committed to promoting the use of eco-friendly materials and environmentally friendly techniques. We integrated recycled and sustainable materials into the creation of this sculpture, reducing the negative impact on the ecosystem. We want to convey a message of environmental awareness and sustainability through art, so that future generations can also enjoy a healthy and prosperous planet.

In conclusion, Venus is a work that goes beyond aesthetic beauty. It represents the power of the mother goddess, the strength of women to overcome challenges, and our responsibility to preserve the environment for future generations. We hope that this sculpture inspires women to pursue their dreams and express their inner beauty, thus helping to create a more equitable, sustainable and full of possibilities world.


Eleonora Francioni and Antonio Mastromarino

Year= 2021

Materials = rice husk, eco-mortar and corten steel

Dimensions 47x25 cm height 22 cm

Print run = 8 copies plus 2 pda


XL example

Venus XL

Eleonora Francioni and Antonio Mastromarino

Year= 2022

Materials = rice husk and eco-mortar

Dimensions 70x33 cm height 42 cm

Print run = 8 copies plus 2 pda

Venus XL

Eleonora Francioni and Antonio Mastromarino

Year= 2022

Materials = rice husk, eco-mortar, marble and aluminium

Dimensions 70x33 cm height 42 cm

Print run = 8 copies plus 2 pda

The world of Venus

The world of Venus

Eleonora Francioni and Antonio Mastromarino

Year= 2022

Materials= white bronze and steel

Dimensions 12x14 cm height 35 cm

Print run = 20 copies plus 2 pda

Venus plate

Venus plate

Eleonora Francioni and Antonio Mastromarino

Year= 2022

Materials = rice husk, eco-mortar and aluminium

Dimensions 42x42x11 cm

Print run = two series of 20 copies plus 4 pda each

Venus MATRILINEAR series

Venus - Matrilineal

Eleonora Francioni and Antonio Mastromarino

Year= 2023

Materials = rice husk, eco-mortar and aluminium

Dimensions 42x8x10 cm

Print run = 10 series of 20 copies plus 4 pda each

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