Woman as the one who conceives, who gives life, who welcomes the perpetuation of the species into her womb. At the same time, the creation of someone unknown takes place, of a unique life born from the union of two different and independent souls, but which find new unexpected and surprising interconnections in the welcoming nest of the Mother-Woman.
It is the acceptance of the Concipient who widens her nest, a delicate interweaving of threads laid with incessant patience and tenacity to make it more solid and secure, which makes possible not only the acceptance of the new life, but also the discovery and acceptance of the own soul.
Conceive in the meaning of welcoming into oneself, of starting to feel, to experience and nourish a new feeling. Phase possible only after having welcomed oneself into that same nest. Which is protection and safe refuge for what Love places on the path, whether they are parts of our soul or faces other than us, but to which we are instinctively turned.
Eleonora Francioni and Antonio Mastromarino
Year = 2020/21
Materials = hydroresin and corten steel
Measurements = 38x38 cm
Print run = n° 20 plus 4 pda (the two versions of La Concipiente, one with eyes open and the other with eyes closed, respectively have a print run of twenty copies plus four author's proofs.)
Each example is to be considered a unique work if we consider the different pigmentation of the mortars and the oxidation/decoration of the plate.
THE CONCIPIENT - Yellow plate
special edition
Eleonora Francioni and Antonio Mastromarino
Year = 2023
Materials = hydroresin and painted aluminium
Misure= 42x42x14 cm
Print run = n° 8 plus 3 pda
special edition
Eleonora Francioni and Antonio Mastromarino
Year = 2021
Materials= bronze
Misure= 19x19x39 cm
Print run = n° 8 plus 1 pda
LA CONCIPIENTE - on its pedestal
special edition
Eleonora Francioni and Antonio Mastromarino
Year = 2020
Materials = hydroresin and corten steel
Measurements = 73X38X38 cm
Print run = n° 8 plus 3 pda